HannahStone's Profile

Joined on Jan 20, 2011
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
14-Year Club
HannahStone's Quizzes
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HannahStone's Recent Posts
"Wow it's been so long! What's up?"
"Trainer Hannah loses.... B..but I was the best! I cannot be defeated again!!"
"Trainer Hannah uses revive. Trainer hannah sends out Aku pikachu Aku! Use Shadow ball!"
"Trainer hannah has chosen No. *throws out pokeball* Go Dragonite! Use Dragonrage!"
"*throws pokeball* Lucario! Aura Sphere!"
"*bites lip* Luxray! Use Volt tackle!"
"Monferno commits suicide...Monferno..is dead. *face is shadowed behind mask, throws out another pokeball* Luxray! Go! "
"*doesn't respond* Serperior...is dead. I'm sorry..may your soul find rest... *throws out"
"*doesn't speak, silver cloak blows in the wind, throws out first pokeball* Hannah Chooses Serperior. Serperior only has fi"
"Blood Version activated. Gameplay commensed. Train Hannah, pick your starter. I already have my team. *pulls out six s"
"I cannot give out that information."
"I deserve it. Strike me down. But will it bring your friend back, Aku? Will it save us all from the game? *shakes head sadly*"
"My name is Hannah..Hannah of Verdanturf..it's a pleasure to meet you all.."
HannahStone's Recent Quiz Comments
"You're a mod??? Dude what the f---."