HannahBananah's Profile

Joined on Dec 18, 2010
Status Level: Junior

Level-up Progress:
14-Year Club
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HannahBananah's Quizzes

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HannahBananah's Recent Posts

  • "My niece's account, 17"
  • Hello
    "Hello, I'm the original HannahBananah.xDDDD"
  • Dude what happened?
    "Is it normal for someone to break a pillow in half? Ugh I have to get out of here before I'm next."
  • Dude what happened?
    "@Ellis-Like I said, Idk. She's, well she can be moody at sometimes, but right now she seems like she's in pain. I'm kinda scared."
  • Dude what happened?
    "She says she does'nt want to talk about it. Great now I have a pillow in my face."
  • Dude what happened?
    "@Ellis-I dont think so. I have no idea though."
  • Dude what happened?
    "@Emmajamme-Um, I have no idea. She's on the floor crying, and talking about something I can't understand."
  • Dude what happened?
    "Wow, does anyone know what happened? I'm confused."
  • Dude what happened?
    "She's crying. I said that."
  • Dude what happened?
    "She's crying, and said I could get on."
  • "How to break someone's neck. And why Heather's crying."
  • Oh Gawd Imma regret this
    "Another reason i hate you Heather. No, I have'nt Biance, sorry."
  • Oh Gawd Imma regret this
    "Heather is not cool, but anyway.....what the hell lil? Pooh is not to be messed with. Hi Sammy, and Vegekaka, um, okay have no idea w"
  • Oh Gawd Imma regret this
    "Be right back."
  • Oh Gawd Imma regret this
    "I remember you Carri. Those stupid pics. I'm Heather's niece. And I hate that. "

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