Hamilton's Profile

Joined on Apr 26, 2010
Status Level: Newbie
14-Year Club
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Hamilton's Recent Posts
"There's no need to announce it al over the board in an attempt to embarrass this 'death' person."
"Hey Scar. (: I've been off doing...uninteresting things. Good to see yah again."
"*scratches head*"
"Ah, you kids and your drama."
"It doesn't really matter what gender people think you are online"
"myup, but I'm back to mill around."
"o_o My thoughts exactly."
"Whelp,I'm into manga/anime style art. (:"
"My absolute favorite history documentary is Liberty: The American Revolution. "
"I didn't really like what I saw of America: The Story of Us. They passed over the War of 1812, and devoted an episode to the statue of libe..."
"It's too late in the day to make history. Though I could draw Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton kissing or something."
"*sigh* Indeed, indeed. Maybe I can watch somethin' nice and historical today."
"'course, it's important to consider that the Native Americans populated North America for hundreds of years before European settlers started..."
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