Haku's Profile

Joined on Mar 2, 2013
Status Level: Advanced
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Haku's Quizzes
- Are you a Brony? (1)[published: Mar 06, 2013, 1 comment]
Hello, my name is Haku. This is a quiz I made so I can know who really is a Brony and who isn't. I cant……
Haku's Recent Posts
"Well, they're back sooner than I thought they'd be"
"Yes. More populated. More...crowded"
"Now I'm a noodle Dragon"
"It's Haku. Kohaku is a character from Inuyasha"
"I haven't been able to fly in ages"
"Too long indeed"
"(Zilla again)"
"There we go."
"Shoot! GTG! bia"
"Im Celestia's "Prince"."
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