Gwaine's Profile

Joined on Feb 22, 2014
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
Gwaine's Quizzes
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Gwaine's Recent Posts
"Taint: Shut up. e-e You're.. Being rude. *siiiighs* *and starts to leave* Taint: D: "
"Kenna: Didn't ask what you wanted, kid. *head down* *silence* Jacob: She's a bit short, but her hair"
"Ridged: Eh. Too little, anyways. Don't know why he picked you. I don't either.. I.. I just wanna- Ridged: Hus"
"Viper: *dere* Yes, Daddy- You. e-e *glares* Me. *hands on hips*"
"Taylor: So, of course I like them. ... Elacie: *sitting silently at a chair, food layed out in front of her* "
"...Okay. *holds up hand* *and a little circle, like a floating crystal ball appears* *and exactly what Gwain"
"Taylor: *snorts* I'm married to one. ... Knight: Of course. I know that you may not agree with my choices, bu"
"She did so, she- *spins, holding hands out, like she's holding something* *in a bad imitation of Viper's voice*"
"Taylor: Good. *happy cuddles* ... Knight: ..I can take you to see your sister if you want. .."
"*burst into room* *dramatically* Viper dropped my fish bowl, and now all two of my fish are dead! I demand justice! "
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