gutsyGumshoe's Profile

Joined on May 4, 2022
Status Level: Newbie
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2-Year Club
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"He sounds like he's just making it up"
"Oh. Uhm. Well. I wouldn't take his word on science."
"[[ Hi ravager, these accounts are Fifidee's. Wisp would prefer you did not post in fates threads, thank you.]"
"Who exactly is your friend, miss.Effie?"
"Your friend is...probabaly wrong"
"Sorry to say this won't be much of a party. Roxy has gotten a little....overexcited"
"The science is defintley questionable."
"Hello Greg."
"It's called Ectobiology. You take dna samples from two parties and fuse them. At least that's how it works for humans."
"That....really needs context"
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