Gryffin Schrock's Profile

Gryffin Schrock
Joined on Jan 2, 2022
Status Level: Junior
Gryffin Schrock's Quizzes
- [ HOGWARTS SORTING TEST ][published: Jan 22, 2022, 5 comments]
This test will show you and tell you what Hogwarts house you are in. Gryffindor has core values……
- A Hogwarts Sorting Quiz[published: Jan 08, 2022, 3 comments]
This test will show you and tell you what Hogwarts house you are in. Gryffindor has core values……
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"Thank-you I spent a lot of time making it i'm so glad you liked it!"
In response to Zimswife:
"Gryffindor,I do tend to find myself very unique…"
1 -
"close to about a month-and-a-half. I'm glad you enjoyed it!!!"
In response to We1rd0_Gurl:
"Your Result: RAVENCLAW 86%
1 -
1 -
"this quiz sucked"
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"Not what i was expecting..."
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"What Hogwarts house are you in?
Your Result: Gryffindor 93%
result"You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave…"
1 -
resultYou are a Gryffindon! Gryffindor values courage, bravery,…"
1 -
"THX Lexie ! LOL"
In response to mercedes123:
"Thats really cool! I got Gryffindor which is…"
1 -
"Harry Potter - Discover Your Foreign Wand Core
Your Result: Thestral Hair. 72%
resultThe Thestral takes the shape of a…"