Joined on Aug 16, 2023
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
- What would your Harry Potter wand be made of[published: Aug 16, 2023]
A wand is the wizards most important tool without a wand there is no wizard do you……
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"Christj1 this is a reply to you are you a ravenclaw or a slytherin??"
In response to Kazing:
"Your wand is longer than average, with a…"
1 -
"Ok guys who said Veela hair is a core Fleur delacour is a veela so you are saying you got a hair from someone who cant resist to…"
1 -
".--.-..-...if you are smart enough to read this good 4 u its morse code bye!!!"
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"Ok so first of all you wrote mgonagall and muggleborn wrong which is really disappointing and your questions where too obvious so I…"