Grownmanchild's Profile

Joined on Apr 7, 2015
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
Grownmanchild's Quizzes
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Grownmanchild's Recent Posts
"i gtg anyway everyone but all of you be on the lookout for another young and similar site we could all transfer to."
"alex: i will be searching. you search too. report back to this thread if we find anything."
"i dont kniw this person unless they were a user in my time... so no"
"alex: i know the chances of a big change are slim to none. maybe even if it doesnt then maybe there will come a similar site and some of the..."
"it was pretty funny but the subtitle ruined it. XD"
"alex: well i remember long ago when gtq was young, before you came, before i was mature enough to not be a d-bag online. this site was great..."
"The devil in i- slipknot"
"i had an account originally. called natebuscus back in 2012 and although that wasnt who i really am (i was kinda a douchebag then) that was ..."
"its just all gone downhill during the time ive spent off of this site. back in 2012 this site was awesome and people were cool and nice."
"madison left too. and there are a lot of spam accounts or people with bad intentions."
"ask me any questions you have about the mind set and emotions of this sexual orientation and i will answer to my fullest capacity."
"but im still here now so hi"
"bye, i didnt get to talk to you much in the past year or so but the time i was able to was great. -Nate"
"i may be online tomorrow though :)"
"i need rest after everything that has happened today and even in just the past hour. my brain and body are just destroyed with fatigue right..."
Grownmanchild's Recent Quiz Comments
"Im batman!"