Grillby's Profile


Joined on Feb 22, 2016
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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Grillby's Quizzes

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Grillby's Recent Posts

  • "Will my art thread be kept safe even though it has a blend of hentai art and family-safe art inside it since it was all before the Decree..."
  • "(Ahhh you two have the game? Is it better than the original? .o.)"
  • (I must say.)
    "(Yah :3 I also think myacne ointmenf is helping a lot too. My face loks much more clean. With longer hair and some lipstick, I think I could..."
  • (I must say.)
    "(so many .o. Mine is pretty cheap. Its like a hair band with small pink and white roses attatched to it.)"
  • "(Funny you mention it. I acgually downloaded that game recently.)"
  • (I must say.)
    "(Yeye. I tried it on earlier while I was on the couch and my sister said it looked good on me so I later looked in the mirror and was all "I..."
  • (I must say.)
    "(I really like it.)"
  • Heph's thread
    "(ha! I made one of you laugh.)"
  • Heph's thread
    "(You two sisters wouldnt know comedy if it held out a sign saying comedy while it yeled IM COMEDY)"
  • Heph's thread
    "(What did one snowman say to the other? Smells like carrots.)"
  • High School Never Ends
    "(Sorry. Thought the title was from Bowling for Soups song called Highschool Never Ends. I apologize.)"
  • Let's play a game
    "(Oh sure. Ignore mine. -3- )"
  • "s--- didnt know we werent starting yet. I apologize)"
  • "@@@@@@@@@@ I have never played a game on any of the playstation consols."
  • High School Never Ends
    "(check out the popular kids. you'll never guess what Jessica did. And how did Mary kait loose all that weight? And Kaity had a baby so I gue..."

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