Grey_Day_'s Profile
Joined on Dec 4, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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Grey_Day_'s Recent Posts
"in a way...yes..."
"Proved and removed now...vhustle if you eva vwant to get any vhere..."
"See! It's mwah!!! Now...keep searchin for derrick, fool!"
"FOUND THE b----!"
"AllhailLelouch, Interesting ._."
"It is for you, Milady *Hands over the wanderous chocolate and gental white rose* I hope you like it. *A bag appears in the right hand*"
"Hello, and happy valentines *In hands is a extra large heart shaped box of chocolates and a white rose*"
"No, I'm fine rvels ;) shooosh shoosh...I must be taking a leave...a Wisper and secret my face remains, left in the hands of three little dam..."
"Hrmm ._."
"Ingored and abandond *le sighs* oh well...A thread hopper I shall remain"
"I'm a source of entertainment? Interesting ._."
"It appears so, milady"
"*Late It appears you have some company after all ._. Well hello there sir(Dame)"
"Milady, it has come to my attention that you are all alone right now, aside me, of course"
"Hello person I also do not recollect"
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