Graciousness's Profile

Joined on Jul 4, 2014
Status Level: Advanced
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Graciousness's Quizzes
- How much you know about Indian foods?!! :D[published: Jul 04, 2014]
You like Indian food? It is very tasty and popular all around the world, not just……
Graciousness's Recent Posts
"^ y?"
"It's not really Gracious geek don't worry :p"
"Hey jeeshan I live in India too! We're very similar XD"
"And me right buddy???????"
"Really Geek bro?"
"Exactly the same! The main reason I'm not on it is because I don't like the idea of the status updates, likes, everyone knowing what you're ..."
"Understandable. I don't even have a Facebook but I'm considering it, I can't decide if I should or not."
"I think she left because people didn't like her - at least she was enthusiastic and friendly. I think she's on fb."
"No (thank god right)"
"Lol not really - I'm just winding people up. It's fun being as annoyong her."
"Hi friends of gtq!!! Did you miss me? What's happened while I been away?"
"Her name IS that but I'm not gracious"
"Hi geek buddy! Add me on fb I'm unnati suthar. Lol jk jk jk I'm not her"
"Me? :O Hi Geek bro!!"
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