Gothic Gargoyle's Profile
Gothic Gargoyle
Joined on Jan 9, 2016
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
Gothic Gargoyle's Quizzes
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Gothic Gargoyle's Recent Posts
"You don't know me . That's your opinion. Good for you^_^ have a conversation with me before deciding that"
"I was talking about girly gothic. Lyle says hey and he's accidently logged out and can't be arsed logging back in he also says Canada"
"Lyle is on the floor with his iPad and he's meowing."
"We want you to leave. I'm an actual goth. You clearly are not."
"I hate it when people pretend their goth. Now it's ok if you're just getting into the music and other s--- but we don't worship Sagan as a w..."
"I understand what you mean. I know this may be hypocritical as my an,e is gothic gargoyle ( the gothic part is referencing the gothic archit..."
"Some people use guy as a reference to both genders. Your name ( which should be Girlyspookykid) implies that you're of the female gender"
"Hello I'm a gargoyle ( I wish X3) my name is lei and my friend is Carlisle."
"But goth is a word?"
"It's people like her that give boths a bad name X3"
"Lyle is girly gothic the spooky kid?"
"Yeah X3"
"I blew up his house in minecraft and he is now face down on the floor."
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