goochipoochigirl's Profile

Joined on Apr 10, 2016
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
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goochipoochigirl's Recent Posts
" i was such noob guys"
":( ugh shut fht fuk up hoe get out hoe!!!!!!"
"mods!!! thus hoe is like harassn me!!"
"so lik i dun know if i shuld dy my hair like a brit pink cuz mah hair is alrdy lik rlly lite bluonde like urgh umg my mom got me the wrung d..."
"who r u? like i dun talk 2 strangr k "
"omg omg omg omg omg so ieuh lik tutlly had teh must funm ay skool btw i am back on skool ground also update i dyed my h"
"gurlllll i just ded mah haur it looks rlly good liek i died it rainbow!!! i know the colurs uf ranbow ora"
"ugh i am sho pissed right now!!!!"
"that iz maddie"
"says the 1 tat can not spell sheep even tho ur 2 smart BREAKS DOWN "
"what actal fun r u when u r always so tight gurlllllllllllllllllllll"
"um this is propur english btw i stalk this site n i know that u r some prissy gurl with no rainbow of personally n feel entitl"
"i am also scottosh my grandma owns a sheep n lamb farm but most of furr ther end up being either wooleh socks or u know da dea"
"express sum of them gtq comfessions gurlllll mwah xoxox kisses "
"my nationality is caliofornian n kenyan"
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