godofmjnecraft56's Profile

Joined on May 13, 2014
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godofmjnecraft56's Quizzes
- The Random Quiz![published: Jul 19, 2014, 1 comment]
Hi. I'm Jaqueline and I made a Random Quiz About pop stars and me. Maybe... Take the quiz and make your brain……
godofmjnecraft56's Recent Posts
"Pretty sure she wants female pronouns."
"f--- you zero you weeb trash"
"We already have this you dumb---."
"their woz a time gom talked like dis and coudn't spell anything. also he did faces all the time like this :s"
"Zankyou thankyou. Some of us are the same person bruv."
"I did .-."
"You newbs are so stupid just leave it."
"I'm not dumb I'm better than you whiny newb."
"Dumbfag newbies"
"Dumb newbs"
"I do :D"
"Buy your own?"
"no.. xD"
godofmjnecraft56's Recent Quiz Comments
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