God_of_War's Profile

Joined on Mar 18, 2012
Status Level: Junior
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God_of_War's Quizzes
- How well do you speak spanish?[published: Mar 19, 2012, 21 comments]
I don't really know what to put in here so I guess I'll just type in random things okay well I……
God_of_War's Recent Posts
"I'm ignored a lot and you guys don't seem to really like me but hey that's fine not everybody can be liked. Lazarus I love you but I guess I..."
"Mom: If i ever talked back to my mom id get slapped Dad: Ha yeah right i knew you when you were younger and id hear the way you talke"
"Now do you want that to happen "
"Oh okay how is: Dont tell me im wrong or ill rip your f---ing head off"
"Youre cute"
"Oh and what about you"
"Still playing that game"
"I dont know"
"They dont even sound the same and correction she looks tipsy get it right"
God_of_War's Recent Quiz Comments
"Cool quiz"