GirI's Profile
Joined on Dec 7, 2019
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
5-Year Club
GirI's Quizzes
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GirI's Recent Posts
"I don't like our relationship, I want it to be real"
"ok hugs"
"I don't know yet something's wrong with me"
"hold on, I'll watch a video"
"I don't feel like that now michael"
"I don't know what's wrong with me rn hug"
"yeah, I don't know I don't know what's wrong and you never come to see me"
"I'm stressed out though Michael, I have things to concentrate on in my life here"
"I don't know, I never see you"
"I don't like you anymore"
"I don't know you though, I barely see you these days"
"I don't like our relationship, we haven't got much history"
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