Ginji's Profile

Joined on May 24, 2014
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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Ginji's Recent Posts
"Aww. That sucks, that's a good movie."
"*picks up a piece of french toast and eats a bite* Don't choke."
"(alright sounds like a plan)"
"Yay~ xD So, you having a lot of fun?"
"Ginji had no response to that because Heph had no response to that, other than that Ginji just kinda looked past him again. ("
"If you say so."
"orange hair purple eyes got it. Well I got Raider right at least?"
"well I don't know how to respond."
"(it's okie stop apologzing) "Um..." Ginji blinked."
"(Hell if I know nope) ...Weirdo."
"Did I do that bad?._. There were no orange eyes, and I didn't know Nemo's appearance to a T anyway. neat."
"(Yours is strong and amazing. Mine is quiet and I can't hit most high notes) ....."
""I really don't have an answer for that." Ginji replied."
"(your singing puts me to shame) *stares*"
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