GingerbreadMan's Profile
Joined on Dec 21, 2010
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
14-Year Club
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GingerbreadMan's Recent Posts
"He looks pretty cool!^^ It's alright. Please don't eat me.:c"
"I'd prefer if you didn't. This is my first Christmas with my new daughter, I want it to be great! Candy cane? I don't have it"
"[ouch! :c Bad okami baka hebi is baka hebi]"
"Who's that? He sounds interesting."
"Just in time for Christmas! I got some cream cheese frosting boots as an early gift from my wife.:3"
"Ooh. Hello Miss Teresa! ^o^ Sowwy.D:"
"So, it's nice to meet you, Miss Kitty! If he gets on this year! he might not, though..I dunno!"
"Hehe yeah! ^-^"
"..No. I'm not that awesome! ;~; But I am friends with Santa!"
"My name's Gingy! :3"
"I return, after two years!"
"*gives them Fluff* I only have one thing to say- All:O.O *runs off*"
"O.O *runs to canada* AIYEEE"
"*covers Fluff's mouth* We have a deal, I give you her and you tell me your plans... Natalia:I say no- Ivan:Da Fr"
"I did.:3"
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