GhostPenquin's Profile


Joined on Feb 23, 2021
Status Level: Newbie

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4-Year Club
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GhostPenquin's Quizzes

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GhostPenquin's Recent Posts

  • Rp OwO
    ""Sgrios…" Willow looked Sgrios straight in the eye. "You only know one way, and you seem old and powerful. If you only know one way now, wil"
  • "Yes! ^^"
  • Rp OwO
    ""What will it be?" Willow repeated. "My life, or an innocent person's?""
  • Rp OwO
  • Rp OwO
    "Willow shrugged. "So, you’re going to take an innocent person's life so you can be unbound?" she calmly asker."
  • Rp OwO
    ""So what will it be?" Willow prompted, expecting an immediate answer. "If you have no person you are bound to, from whom will you take order..."
  • "Name: Age: Gender: Personality: Character Number: Appearance: Sexuality: Dislikes: Likes:"
  • Rp OwO
    "Willow inclined her head, and her brown eyes seemed to pierce right through Gineye, like a bullet to the head. "But I'm not," she said. "I'm..."
  • "Yes to all of you."
  • Spent Faith
    "Why would you ever care about me, a disgusting excuse for a human? If you’re looking out for me because I'm a blessing, I’ll make it so I’m "
  • Spent Faith
    "I forgot to hide my posts from recents, dammit Every time someone asks me if I’m okay, it’s just a reminder that I’ve fa"
  • Rp OwO
    ""Uh, does finding a cure for yourself and ridding yourself of that binding thingy work?" Willow asked, twisting a ring on her finger."
  • "Pringle army"
  • ":( do my hw"
  • "I don’t want toooo"

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