GhostkillaACR98's Profile

Joined on Apr 28, 2014
Status Level: Novice
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GhostkillaACR98's Quizzes
- How Well Do You Know South Africa?[published: Jul 17, 2014, 2 comments]
Ok so I have to say that I created this quiz because I was bored I'm so bored I'm bored of……
- which black ops zombie character are you?[published: May 28, 2014]
When we play zombies we always think jeah this character is awesome I think ill fall a……
- Battlefield 3 knowledge!!!![published: May 22, 2014]
This quiz is part one if u wanna do part two just find it on my profile its worth it trust me I'm……
- Are you truly a call of duty player?[published: Apr 30, 2014]
Hey I created this quiz because I was thinking about this game and thought I should make a……
GhostkillaACR98's Recent Posts
"Oh and he is from naruto"
"Takagi from HOTD Ok uhm yellow hair,extreamely fast and strong and also created his own technique"
"The no comment :|"
"Do you by any chance surf??"
"Hahaha ooooooh :$"
"Haha they must come to africa, africans stand together so they just came here to DIE"
"I would not have bet that much"
"A fail of a wink ;)"
"Jeah I did too"
"It seems shido is not online yet"
"So I can talk to you under the table?"
GhostkillaACR98's Recent Quiz Comments
"As long as your a chick I'm fine if your a guy stay away from me you f---!!!"
2 -
"I was really not expecting that but jeah I have to agree with the idiot (lol just kidding) that made this because it is true!!!"