Battlefield 3 knowledge!!!!

This quiz is part one if u wanna do part two just find it on my profile its worth it trust me I'm awesome!!!!!!so go look for my quizzi And hope u find it enjoyable so see later

I really sont know what to put here so I'm 16 years old and I'm good looking and quite smart and single I live in south africa cape town and ok bye now hope u liked oh ja I'm male

Created by: GhostkillaACR98

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Ok let's begin so uhm the first mission u get knocked out by a man named???
  2. What is the characters name you play with??
  3. The first missions name.....
  4. Ok in operation swordbreaker what is your call sign???
  5. When you get out of the tank you have to meet up with a black man named???
  6. What weapon does montes always use?
  7. What weapon does montes always use?
  8. What weapon do you use in operation swordbreaker?
  9. What caliper is the sniper that's shooting at you on the roof?
  10. What happens at the end of this mission??
  11. Going hunting so you fly a plane what's your name?
  12. In going hunting your are supposebly attacking.....
  13. Operation guillotine in the beginning what are you doing??
  14. After this you run toward the enemy with what in your hand??
  15. Who are you waiting for??
  16. What is your main weapon???
  17. How many mortar positions are ther?
  18. When you clear the building with hostiles in what is blocking your way behind a door???
  19. U clear the area via humvee and come across........blocking your way?
  20. When u clear that area and kill the ambush you find something waiting for you. What is it??
  21. Once shot by the tank u have a different weapon what weapon??
  22. U clear that area destroy the tank and come across a??
  23. In the building you infiltrated what do you find??

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