Gavin's Profile


Joined on Jan 11, 2014
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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Gavin's Quizzes

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Gavin's Recent Posts

  • ...Why are you here?
    "*tilts head, watching Lyra curiously and listening*"
  • Lone my dear!
    "Flight sighed, leaning back against the wall and closing her eyes."
  • Anyone want to soap?
    "The doctor looked pale. "That should be documented." He said slowly, staring."
  • Lone my dear!
    "Flight stepped backwards and sat on the bed with a small huff. "Well, she's a b----.""
  • Andi~
    "Iris lugged her stuff up. She swallowed once as Mrs. Peters rang the door, and then squared her shoulders, prepared for her new home."
  • Anyone want to soap?
    "The doctor slowly put the child down, who squirmed slightly. "Your baby has..." Silver scooped up the baby, cradling it protective..."
  • Lone my dear!
    "Flight felt her lips form into a snarl, and then she stepped between them. "You're acting like children." She growled."
  • ...Why are you here?
    "*continued staring, and then looks at Arch, unsure of what that means*"
  • Andi~
    "They pulled into a house. It looked okay--well taken care of, neat. Not big, but not too small. Iris got out of the car first and went to..."
  • Lone my dear!
    "Flight watched, fighting memories. This was going to trigger a flashback if she wasn't careful. "I trust Jaxon. He won't 'play with my em..."
  • Anyone want to soap?
    "Silver's eyes popped open. "Zayn!" She turned to the doctor, who was staring, wide-eyed at the child in his arms. Silver felt her heart si..."
  • ...Why are you here?
    "(I do remember that. I just thought we'd rp it. My bad.) *stares at Lyra* Why is she shimmery?"
  • Andi~
    "Iris sat in the front seat of the foster agency's car, looking at the woman driving it. She was nice, but Iris was ready to be at a real ho..."
  • Anyone want to soap?
    "She let out a yelp of pain, and then she could feel their daughter coming. The doctor rushed forward, carefully grabbing the baby as it cam..."
  • Lone my dear!
    "Flight drew away from him slowly, not saying anything."

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