gates of hell's Profile

gates of hell
Joined on Jan 8, 2011
Status Level: Newbie
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14-Year Club
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gates of hell's Recent Posts
"real one that lived in the literature forums"
"yes i made a new account ok sorry if i seem a bit edgey today"
"SCAR okay"
"ok so im NOT a true n00b but im not her"
"heph ive seen people with google it tattod on em its very common ad btw bing suxx"
"meh good point"
"pagen its simple demonology google it"
"okayy still lost but azazels actual sister is asteroth why didnt she just use that?"
"ppl keep sayin im soa i have no idea who the heck that is"
"umm bunniesR. i have a stupid question whats with the cat pix when cats eat bunnies? thats a bit of a paradox isnt it?"
"i came hear to be accepted for who i am i be myself and get riticuled for it? BAH i will not stand for such stupid mortal tactics im out"
"lol thanks"
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