Gamergirl10124's Profile
Joined on Dec 11, 2014
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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"I Minecraft so much i'ts the best in the ..."
Gamergirl10124's Recent Quiz Comments
"I got a tiger I would've liked Uraza since I like leopards and she's my favorite character in the books."
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"I got Bast I love This Goddess because I love cats"
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"Destinycamprbell I got Ares and even though Zeus is king of the gods doesn't mean he's the best"
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"I made a quiz but it's not showing up."
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"I made a quiz but it's not showing up."
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"I love Percy Jackson books I've read all of Rick Riordan's books they are AMAZING,"
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"I'm in 4th grade and I'm 10 so no"
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"How did you know you guessed 10 and you were right."
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"He already started haunting me 3 yars ago a whatever"