Gabriel's Profile
Joined on Feb 21, 2011
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
14-Year Club
Gabriel's Quizzes
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Gabriel's Recent Posts
"to mak it eazy i tell u hoo i am. im gaby, and i wan dakota"
"ur 'wife's' luvr she ditn't tell u abut me did she?"
"'please dont amor i dont want you to get hurt please do it for me amor de mi vida' stfu u whinee bazterd"
"'please dont amor i dont want you to get hurt please do it for me amor de mi vida' bla bla bla stfu u bazterd"
"-s---s al ova thred- nastee animels get a lif u ho bags"
"SÃ del infierno, pero ahora debemos ir. I love you, Brooke y Dakota"
"Mi amor, please believe me! My parents have allowed me this short time to be on my labtop, but now I must go Im sorry you think this, but I ..."
"Debo ir, pero solo quiero decir, yo soy el Gabriel real. Tengo un nuevo amor, nombre es Lisa y he tenido un flechazo de Brooke hace a"
"Dragon I hate that liar as much as you. It lied to my love and impersonated me"
"Mi amor!"
"*suspiro* Créeme. Yo nunca serÃa mentir sobre mi identidad"
"I am not lying. Why would I lie about my identity to those who know me"
"Amy, quiero que me crean. Me gusta Dakota, pero no puedo soportar a verla nunca más después de que he encontrado un nuevo amor que puedo v"
"Dragon, I am not on my real account because my labtop is not letting me so i created a new one"
"Sé que Amy, que nunca querÃa herir Dakota. pero aquÃ, vida real ahora, hay alguien nuevo"
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