Fukami's Profile

Joined on Dec 9, 2014
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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Fukami's Recent Posts
"specifically seagull"
"fowl, not owl"
"Roasted fowl.."
"Grow up."
"why am I never the victim I want an imposter"
"Idek anymore I'm out."
"Okay. See, when a friend threatens to leave, I don't play f---ing detective. I try to figure out why and help them."
"I can't do that. Wadda would be upset. I'm fine. Yourself?"
"ah s---"
"What no!"
"Hello. ..The shark is hanging out with Wadda. The white one. He bugs me.."
"How are you?"
"... Hi."
"Oh jeez. Not too often. Only when they're new to class or they are tired. I'm 18 too~ Nice.x3"
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