Frisk Is Dead's Profile

Frisk Is Dead
Joined on Apr 27, 2016
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
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Frisk Is Dead's Recent Posts
"*signs with hands, smirking faintly* Cute?"
"Heph: Maybe they're just avoiding you, cause, you know, you're kinda scary. *shrugs, sits down on floor and adjusts s"
"?? *frantically signing* Heph: whoa slow down. I'm not good with human sign language. *sighs, signs a "
"*sees other frisk, grins, waving, then signs quickly* Haha, you must be the other me!"
"*startled, jumps back, then tilts head, wondering what you're talking about*"
"*signs* I need more cookies."
"...? *glances around, looks a tad lost*"
"*stretches, grinning over at Fell*"
"*signs* I don't have to cheat. And thank you, I knew I could too! *sticks tongue out at Chara, walking away fro"
"*smiles happily, makes it to drawing, pins it on perfectly, because boy had they had practice* *pulls blind fold off, "
"*takes pin, laughing, wobbly at first* .. *takes a step forward, reaching out for the drawing*"
"*giggles, walks over, but not before signing something mega quick to Chara, winking*"
"*signs slowly* Chara cheated. I think I should get a turn now."
"*frowns at Chara, pouting*"
"*nods, pulling hand away, giving a thumbs up*"
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