Freiya's Profile

Joined on Mar 6, 2014
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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Freiya's Recent Posts
"it's very pretty"
"o.o Why did you do that? Vitali:Hmmph."
"*is pulled through portal* o.o Vitali: ...And my fiance was just stolen."
"Vitali: Thank you! :I Spoil sports. He makes a good target."
"....*throws another pillow at Vitali* Vitali: Stop that! v.v"
"No. We avoid cold stuff in the mountains, it's cold enough up there as it is."
"Vitali: Bah. I just think she hates me. She likes Aura and Talia.e.e You have an air of annoyingness, pretty boy. *gig"
"I figured. I just didn't expect it to be so cold.*eats another bite*"
"Rude is my middle name. Vitali: Don't I know it..*grumbles* She's such a lady in front of everyone, but when I'm around she a"
"*grabs a spoon, eats a bite* Mm..It's cold."
"Heph: Doggy, down.:I"
"Oh. *door opens anyway, Vitali steps in* Vitali: Look I know you're nervous but it's not like it's my fault. "
"Heph: Many, many people. Too many people to name, some I prefer not to name."
"*glances at it, frowning* Is it good?"
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