Freddy_Fender's Profile

Joined on Jan 2, 2013
Status Level: Novice
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Freddy_Fender's Quizzes
- I want picture.[published: Jan 02, 2013, 3 comments]
Thank you I should be getting picture soon. :) Thank you for all who are taking this I love you now I love you……
Freddy_Fender's Recent Posts
"I'm sure none of you are fat. :) And if you'd like to see fat watch the biggest loser. :P"
"Yeah. :)"
"No to early would be saying that the day after your birthday. :P"
"Yeah. Thank you. Happy early birthday. :)"
"I like Freddy Fender he's cool. :)"
"Why how young are you? :P"
"Oh. :P I just turned 20 a few days ago. :)"
"Yeah. :)"
"I've been good this place seems fun. :) I noticed the first time we talked. :P"
"Oh cool. :) I know somebody with that name too."
"Your welcome. :)"
"Nothing you?"
"Oh okay well hopefully you get home soon. :)"
Freddy_Fender's Recent Quiz Comments
"I don't like this."
1 -
"Thanks. :D"