Francis Bonnefoy's Profile

Francis Bonnefoy
Joined on Nov 7, 2010
Status Level: Experienced
Level-up Progress:
14-Year Club
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Francis Bonnefoy's Recent Posts
"I always forget when I'm in other accounts....xD"
" "
"Oui, it's such a shame I can't be let out more often though. *pouts* Ana: Dude, I have parents around. xD I can only imagine "
"Ana: It is. :D"
"Ana's been keeping me locked up in her closet as always, but silly girl, you can't keep me from coming out of the closet. ;3 "
"Oui, it is me. Ze nation of amour~."
"Ana: Of course, Aribewwy. .w."
"That as not weird, mon cherie. ;3 You have good taste if you want to be like me!"
"Maine, the state where most Americans think we're Canadian. :P"
"I am honored have been watched by such a beautiful young woman, ohon. *holds out rose*"
"Invisibility. ;D"
"Ohonhonhon, bonsoir mon cherie. ;D How are you this evening?"
"Well, what would your suggestion be for someone attracted to a guy they've known most of their life, but whenever they see one another they ..."
"Well, if you don't see yourself seriously being with him, and don't want the physical relationship either, I think it would be best to let h..."
"Paranoid: Low Schizoid: Low Schizotypal: Moderate Antisocial: Moderate Borderline: Low Histrionic: Very H"
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