FluttershyLover's Profile

Joined on Sep 2, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
FluttershyLover's Quizzes
- Let's play a guessing game[published: Sep 07, 2012, 1 comment]
how well can you guess? or can't you at all? what are you doing don't read this go take the quiz! go……
FluttershyLover's Recent Posts
"yeah *hugs book* another one for my shelf"
"*doesn't let go* ...i love it *smiles*"
"what about leap years it's 366 so they don't hate you that day?"
"i don't like it..."
"*looks at it* what is it? *looks at wrapping*"
"it only cus we were argui-oh um *takes* thanks"
"it's ok and i drink when i'm gonna cry it's a substitute for it going out"
"i don't! *drinks from the cut the droped blade made*"
"i've self-hurt alot and i'm ok but i don't like it feels good to have a drink cus i drink it i'm not joking here if i get a cut i make it bi..."
"3 things 1. how'd you know i hate pain? 2. what is the point of doing it? 3. why did it feel so good?"
"you don't sound it"
"*sighs* fine i cut it, happy?"
"i didn't cut in i was looking at you knifes then it got cut"
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