fluffy cloud's Profile
fluffy cloud
Joined on Mar 20, 2021
Status Level: Novice
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fluffy cloud's Recent Quiz Comments
"Your Result: Stay Away 89%
The guy your crushin' on, doesn't even like you. So don't become overly obsessed, b/c then he'll get…"
1 -
"Why is the quiz being so mean don't listen to it :)"
In response to harrismly:
"Wow. I think I have a pretty smile. You said I…"
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"Your Result: Actor/Actress! 89%
You are very confident and were always the popular one when you were at school. You enjoy having…"
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"Your Result: Gloomy 78%
You are feeling gloomy: sad, depressed, blue, unhappy, ect. You either need somebody to talk to or you…"
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"Your Result: Happy 74%
You feel very happy right now. Something very good probably just happened or you are enjoying life and…"
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"Your Result: North Central 91%
This is what people call a "Minnesota accent" or "Fargo accent" as heard in the movies "Fargo"…"
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"You are 25% hopeless romantic.
You are not a huge romantic, yet you still are in love with the idea of love. Aren't we all? You…"
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"What country are you?
Your Result: Australia 82%
resultAustralia is a less densely populated country in Oceania. It has…"
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"A Little Shy true lol"
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"Your Result: Relaxed 88%
resultYou are filled with relaxation. For me, that would mean sitting on the couch with a blanket…"