Fluffy2's Profile

Joined on Jul 10, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
Fluffy2's Quizzes
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Fluffy2's Recent Posts
"that's good."
"that happened to me before. I made a thread one time and it double posted, so"
"I'm alright yourself?"
"woah really?"
"Who me? I'm not Fluffy. she put her username so this account is mine now. and I just realized the other threads."
"that's not spamming and that doesn't mean you call them a b----. -.-"
"No spaces"
"[no emails]"
"Please say it in private like my official thread on your account wait till I'm on"
"Please say it in private like my official thread on your account wait till I'm on"
"Whats the pass?"
"Cause I said so"
"I'm a weirdo!"
Fluffy2's Recent Quiz Comments
Hi self"2