Flowers4TheDead's Profile

Joined on Jul 5, 2012
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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Flowers4TheDead's Recent Posts
"xD You're keyboard has it's own mind. I never that though.....I'll be back..."
"If he was he would have made himself disappear years ago"
":/ Damn child. I don't even know where he got the snowballs from. There is no snow on the ground anymore."
"D: He made him put a jacket on. It's not fair."
"That evil child is ruining my fun"
"@rockstar, Going to pelt snowballs at my brother and make him put a shirt on. @kwright, Well, I'm gonna go now. Bye"
"@rockstar98, 'Sup? @kwright, Yes she is."
"Hi. @kwright, Being bored"
"My friends brother wants to talk to you."
"But where do we find them?"
"We need to find them..."
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