Flareon726's Profile

Joined on Apr 22, 2014
Status Level: Junior
Flareon726's Quizzes
- Which Dragon Type Pokemon are you?[published: May 16, 2014, 12 comments]
Dragon type Pokemon are my favorite types, so I made a quiz about them! Next, I may do a fire……
- Which Eeveelution are you?[published: May 14, 2014, 6 comments]
Eevees and their evolutions are many people's favorite Pokemon! Are they yours, too? If they are, you……
- Which Johto Starter Pokemon are you?[published: May 12, 2014, 6 comments]
If you don't like Pokemon, then this quiz isn't for you! You can be either Chikorita,……
- Which Kanto Pokemon Starter are you?[published: May 08, 2014, 4 comments]
I love Pokemon, and if you do too, you should take my quiz! This is my first quiz so,……
Flareon726's Recent Posts
"We all have favorite video games. Mine is probably Skyrim or MInecraft. What is yours?"
"On the new Hoenn games, I'm gonna go with Sceptile because I like the way they did him in X and Y! He looks more like a dinosaur!"
"Diggersby is fat!"
"I wish they added more new Pokemon, and please try out my quiz! It's my first one!"
"I love Pokemon!"
Flareon726's Recent Quiz Comments
"Haha yay, I'm Pride, my favorite!"
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"Yay, I'm Alphonse! And it describes me accurately! O w O"
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"Cool quiz, and I'm Pyramid Head..... the description is actually accurate...."
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"Thanks for taking my quiz! Glad you guys liked it!"
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"I'm a Wyvern Rider, cool!"
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"I did it again and got 90%! That's more like it!"
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"Cool quiz. I'm in the Eira clan!"
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"I'm Leliana, this was a good quiz! I wish someone would make one for Inquisition, though."
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"I'm Zekrom! This was a cool quiz!"
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"I'm a Night Fury!"