fizzled1998's Profile
Joined on Aug 12, 2011
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
13-Year Club
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fizzled1998's Recent Quiz Comments
"I am a medic! sweet :)"
1 -
"95% :) "
1 -
"Your Result: Yellow
You are an inspiration to others with your incredible intelligence and creative ability. You are playful,…"
1 -
To bad im blind as a bat without my glasses XD"
1 -
"An Inventive Gnome
Being underestimated by the people around you you decided that it would be best for you to stick with your own…"
2 -
"Ginger ale
Interesting. You must really like bubbles. Maybe you have a couple of Chinese ones hidden away. They are awesome!…"
0 -
"Dr. Temperance Brennan
You are standoffish except with your closest friends, no one would ever mistake you for the life of the…"