FirstBlackKage's Profile


Joined on Dec 8, 2018
Status Level: Novice

Level-up Progress:
6-Year Club
5K Quiz
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FirstBlackKage's Quizzes

FirstBlackKage's Recent Posts

  • Just a Thread
    "I anime master"
  • U.A. Plus Ultra
    "(Sure) Jindai was on a roll with the robots. 10 minutes in and he already had 64 points! Things were going great--- "
  • Going with the trend
  • When's your birthday
    "Ice cube, happy late birthday..."
  • Just a Thread
  • Just a Thread
    "I used to be on GTQ all the time on another account."
  • U.A. Plus Ultra
    "Jindai kicked a 2-pointer robot, picked up 2 3-pointer robots and smashed them into each other. "That's 38 points!" he said."
  • anyone alive :3
  • U.A. Plus Ultra
    ""START!!!!!!!!!" The announcer's loud voice boomed on the intercom. "Oh, crap!" said Jindai. "Well, nice meeting you!" He took a deep breath..."
  • U.A. Plus Ultra
    ""Oh! I'm Jindai Rakukaneteki! Nice to meet you! Uh, you can here me, right?""
  • "I'm 13 and 5'6 and I haven't even hit my growth spurt yet. I'm probably gonna be tall right, over 6'2 maybe?"
  • "I hear a sound (It's probably just a mouse) I see them in the dark (Only saw a spark) I know there's someone there"
  • Just a Thread
    "Hey, you can't get a profile pic until you're a novice right?"
  • Girls
    "Well, I'm a guy so..."
  • Just a Thread
    "True... But we can't lie, sometimes life is good. Sometimes life is bad. But you know what? *insert The Lion King's opening son"

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