Firexxice's Profile
Joined on Apr 25, 2010
Status Level: Newbie
14-Year Club
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Firexxice's Recent Quiz Comments
"mother of all god suck me dry!"
1 -
"He likes me enough to date me? Psshh, yeah right. I already know who he likes. And I know it's not me! "
1 -
"That monkey question was wrong. It was supposed to be "monkeys" and "monkey". Shame on you! :P"
1 -
"Your Result: Normal
You are absolutely average. You are lucky to be raised the way you are, even if the chores suck like hell! You…"
1 -
"Your Result: Adult
You are an adult. You are mature and smart and you have a job. You probably have kids and a spouse.
1 -
"Your Result: Kathy/Kaya
Your name is 'Kaya/Kathy' one or the other, you can be really random at times, but you're a blast to be…"