Firelight43's Profile
Joined on Mar 26, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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Firelight43's Recent Posts
"double post again and i pull out a godly uzi and blast your brains"
"i am worth time mwahahahaha sorry envy for being messed up"
"i am worth time mwahahahaha sorry envy for being messed up"
"i live even after you kill me"
"i say sorry to kuuwae for kicking her in the face because i am the great nick"
"i stab you when your super nova"
"i land a roundhouse kick in kuuwae's face"
"sheesh i was just kidding hi"
"i am the awesum nick/piecow101"
"codysimpsonluv thinks your picture looks like a girl and wants to know if you are one envy"
"*i shot you in the arm*"
"Nowone noez hoo i iz"
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