FilthyFrank123's Profile
Joined on Jan 15, 2018
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
7-Year Club
FilthyFrank123's Quizzes
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FilthyFrank123's Recent Posts
"Google "cold cuts" those are my cuts"
"Hey Im edgy now Wanna see my cuts"
"Coincidentally i am chewing bubble gum"
"Wtf Nerd"
"Newbie orgy"
"You are goddamn right"
"Ok kiddies, hope you learned something. Cause class dismissed"
"Suicide attack Lets say you walked up to Dwayne the rock Johnson. You pulled a gun and shot, purposfully missing. You just attacked so"
"Yes. Your mouth becones a volcano. All hell breaks loose if foam gets in your eye. Vehicular impact Jump in front of a tr"
"*plugged in"
"Electricution Good ol toaster in the tub. Just make sure it stays in the tub."
"Ok Now a rarher rare and ineffective way of dying A broken heart Go out. Find an amazing person. Fall in love. Hang"
"Jumping Lang on the grass. Somehow you have a greater chance of dying"
"Now Overdosing You have a better shot of dying if you do it with prescription drugs. Non prescription have a lower chance"
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