FierceDeityLink's Profile

Joined on Jul 16, 2012
Status Level: Advanced
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12-Year Club
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"(That's good. :D) It probably doesn't mean anything. *would take off the mask but he'd freak everyone out*"
"(I've been fine. You?) It's only a slight resemblance."
"(I'll need to do some hunting then. xD) It is. *notices Link walk in, pretends not to be shocked*"
"(the only one i noticed was majora's mask in link's house xD) I've never understood."
"(hm...) It is. It seems it was stuck in a loop. The people of that land blasphemed against the three goddesses. So they doome"
"(no enlighten me :D) It's doomed. No wonder you haven't. It's probably gone by now."
"I am from Termina."
"I don't know. I just warped here after playing my ocarina. *hefts the Double Helix over his shoulder*"
"*stares at Ravio, kinda unnerving because his eyes are rather unnatural* So?"
"doesn't need money *walks out, looks at the surrounding area*"
"It's a long story. *nods*"
"I am the Fierce Deity."
".....Hyaaaa kyeeeh!"
"*stares down at Ravio, leans down*"
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