FemJapan's Profile

Joined on Dec 21, 2010
Status Level: Novice
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14-Year Club
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"What's your idea? 17"
"(Sowwy had to go take care of my niece) O.O Um, Have you seen Kiku or taiwan or China or- AHH *runs away* "
"(Back I had to do something) Eclipse screetched as the wings shot out of her back the rest of the way. They were blood red, seeing as"
"*blinks* Konichiwa Hat, um, why are you looking at me that way? Why is Belarus-san running away....?"
"-noms on cookie- My parents called me 'not thiers' and 'adopted' Is there something I should know? What do they mean?xD"
"*blink* Well, nice talking to you....bye! Me:Pooor Wy! *sniffles*"
"H-hello Hat. Why is Sealand not...um breathing?"
"Gtg now eat.... "
"-.- Answer me please. Where the hell are they girl?!"
"O.O You would'nt...."
"(This is Heph in her phone on the waaaay) Dun Kill Kiku! I'd enjoy a war.:3"
"Looks at Ting* Your in Taiwan's army, where the hell are they?"
"Please don't kil him. How about Taiwan?"
"-.-' Where is Kiku?"
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