Fatty Jazzi's Profile
Fatty Jazzi
Joined on Jul 5, 2019
Status Level: Newbie
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Fatty Jazzi's Recent Quiz Comments
"I wish! You're living the dream!!!"
In response to Fattystufer:
"I have a boyfriend that always ties me to a chair…"
0 -
"I'm so fat that I could leave my pants unbuttoned and no one would know. And most of my shirts won't go over my huge belly! But I still…"
2 -
"Fat Gut! Dang right! My belly pops buttons and rests in my lap afterward. I love to play with my jiggly fat belly and want to be so much…"
2 replies6 -
"I got OBESE!!!! I'm soooo proud of myself! I do still wear jeans, but that's only to show off my amazing, fat belly! When I do wear…"
5 replies4 -
"Massive! 220 lbs, 40 inches around, and I'm only 5'4! I want to get so much fatter though! I want my belly to spread all over my lap…"
2 -
"Your Belly is 93% Big! 93%
Whoa! Your Belly is Huge! You are probably overweight and everything physical must be a challenge for…"
2 replies5 -
"Your Result: Obese 87%
You want to be very fat but still be able to move around. Your goal weight should be around 500-600…"
3 -
"I'm aware that I am obese! I'm 13, 5'4, 220 pounds, and 45 inches around. I love my belly though! It's so much fun to play with! Popping…"
1 -
"Your belly is 73% big! 73%
Wooah! Your belly is huge! You struggle to get around from place to place, and often have to stop to…"
12 replies9 -
"86% fat!! yes and i want to be BIGGER!! At least 100+ pounds heavier( I'm 5'4, 220 lbs, and 45 inches around my belly! I want to be 300+…"