Farmboy Tracey's Profile


Farmboy Tracey
Joined on Mar 8, 2016
Status Level: Novice

Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
1K Quiz
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Farmboy Tracey's Quizzes

  • Dragon Quiz: !!!
    [published: Mar 11, 2008, 1 comment]

    Once you take this quiz, you will release your inner dragon. If you do not believe in dragons (so they don't……

Farmboy Tracey's Recent Posts

    "Crabs were never meant to be eaten by man kind"
  • "Bro, i'm from 2012. This is a role play account, dude.)"
  • "Lol, i'm no newbie. You should probably shut up before you make a bigger fool of yourself.)"
  • "I agree! But I always just leave those pieces for the chickens since they ain't picky!"
  • "Lol, all this drama over an account basically no one cared about"
  • Otaku's Wonderland
    "(Lol, i'm gonna get some sleep. I'll probs be in this account tomorrow doh! ^-^)"
  • Good Evening, Master!`
    "That sounds fancy! I could help ya, y'know. Ma and pa raised me to be as polite as a pickle!"
  • Otaku's Wonderland
    "Uh... *Looks around* I dunno. Usually, on mah free time, I just sit in the fields and talk to the bugs who walk past me!"
  • Heph's thread
    "I ain't never caught a Rainbow Trout, but I could sure try!"
  • Otaku's Wonderland
    "I'd show you the rest, but they're at the state fair right now, so I can't. But w-what do you wanna do?"
  • Heph's thread
    "(Ah kay) Fish are delicious! My pa caught a large bass once!"
  • Good Evening, Master!`
    "Skills on what? You tryna' learn to be polite or somethin'?"
  • Otaku's Wonderland
    "Aw shucks! *blushes* In the pin next to here is my chickens! Duke, Omelette, Jetsy, Mable, and Julie!"
  • Otaku's Wonderland
    "*leans over the fence when we get there* The fat one is porky, the small one is picky, and the average one is steak fries!"
  • Good Evening, Master!`
    "Howdy! Whatcha' doin over there, pal? *Hops off a tree branch and brushes my skirt clean from dust*"

Farmboy Tracey's Recent Quiz Comments

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