Faewen's Profile

Joined on Jul 13, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
Faewen's Quizzes
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Faewen's Recent Posts
"Fire shouldn’t hiss. If your fire starts hissing, that’s not your fire that’s a fire snake and you should run."
"Looove you~"
"Big brooother"
"Brother, I demand snuggles~"
"Malten: * flushing* N-No! Don’t even try it. Nooo, I want all of fae’s kissing for myself~"
"Oh please, Fae’s kisses are my favourite~ Malten: oh my f---ing mara you two are degenerates"
"Awh, not even a little~"
"Ooooh, take me now~"
"Well, unfortunately I’m not a cannibal"
"I would never mock my super strong, super attractive, super doting older brother!"
"Oh damn you’re right. Faekyre you’re so wise, big brother."
"That sounds fake and gay"
"Idfk, taxes?"
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