FadingFromAfar's Profile

Joined on May 31, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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FadingFromAfar's Recent Posts
"alex3000 the wind the_nerdist Lost And Lonely SpacePioneer Physics_Hacker Solar_Dust Joseph"
"SAVANNAH! *hug tackles* :-D"
"I know, I saw, and that sucks ass, but I'm sure the situation will get better."
"Hicc, I'm still considered a newbie by some. By those that say 'oh you're a newb until you've been on here for a year or more'"
"being a space pioneer and about to post all of my accounts so I can give them profile pics."
"I don't know who, but I'm pretty sure Vesta is a multi of someone else."
"You better than you were earlier? *sigh* I remember being a newbie..."
"hey Care heh, missed you in the like 2 days X-P Well, Hicc, turns out I asked the same thing as a newbie. It'"
"yep. brb"
"BAT! *hugs* :-D"
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