Extraterrestrial's Profile

Joined on May 28, 2011
Status Level: Novice
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Extraterrestrial's Quizzes
- would I date you?[published: May 28, 2011]
Der is many, many, many ppl out there, but could you and me maybe be two ppl who are right for each other? who……
Extraterrestrial's Recent Posts
"(hugz back) bai wb :{ ah, i gtg 2. Bai every1!"
"(looks down at handz) (hidz behind back) pssh, i knew that"
"$P im so slow at this... ^fp xD lol"
"Oh, xD I feel dumb... hello bunnies!"
"D; I just rememberd i hav a docturs appointment today :p"
":p Im slow at posting"
"I sing in a band and play bass guitar. I also play piano, violin and cello."
"^Wooden Bridge xD Shur. wat can i call you? Oki every1, I need tipz on how not to b annoying here. at my old skoolz, every1 h"
"Imma go around and introduce myself to ppl xD"
"^foxdemon Bye :{"
"devon. why he's so cute. why he's soooo out of my league :p"
"^fp ur really pretty! meh face is butt ugly :p"
"okay, dun yell at meh, but i think Justin Beaver (xD) is kinda cute. i hate his singing tho"
"^fireprincess Is that you in ur pic?"
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