EvilSoul's Profile
Joined on Dec 2, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
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12-Year Club
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EvilSoul's Recent Posts
"Human? Are you stupid or something?"
"Didn't take long for my pic to be stolen.."
"Have you ever seen a Phoenix?"
"Have you ever seen a bird the size of a horse?"
"Do you like birds?"
"Heph:*is glomped* Ohai.:3"
"There is no god."
"To be honest I lost count after twenty."
"It means that as long as my children are alive I am immortal."
"Oh look the kid returned. I survived because I can't fail my people, moron."
"That makes no sense."
"A soul. Not a person. That'd be cannibalism. I'm not cannibal."
"Taking off the helmet wasn't an option. Slashing her way through the ruins, she walked to her doom. He had told her only one thing, a"
"I'm blaming Elias. Your Majesty~ What is my punishment? *grabs the glowing soul, eating him* That."
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