evil banana's Profile

evil banana
Joined on Mar 22, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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evil banana's Recent Posts
"Yesh :D"
"Light is the new evil banana. Mwahahahha >:3"
"this isn't SN or Cody you dweeb "
"Wait are you actually offering Free_Spirit too? o.o"
"Awww, was this your old girlfriend Bob? Too bad she left! Do you still think about her??? How she left you, "
"my virginity "
"As much as people like to talk about "hacking the mainframe", mainframes really aren't used all that much any more. Mostly, you see groups o..."
"Yes. I can make you ultra elite too."
"Ultra elite"
"No, Can't tell you what letter. Boy&girl Can't tell you that either"
"Both wrong."
"Brownie:you are impulsive Beverly: You have hideous grammar"
"But you only get two guesses"
"How is it respect to ask your mom to ask your dad Something?"
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